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更新時間:2013/8/28 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論

19. Lindgren N, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Lindskog M, Herrere-Marschitz M, Goiny M, Haycock J, Goldstein M, Hokfelt T, Fisone G.Regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity and phosphorylation at Ser19 and Ser40 via activation of glutamate NMDA receptors in rat striatum.. J Neurochem . 2000,74:2470-2477.SCI

20. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Ma X, Soomets U, Langel U, Hokfelt T.Electrophysiological evidence for a hyperpolarizing, galanin (1-15)-selective receptor on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999,96:14583-14587.SCI

21. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Hokfelt T.Galanin/GMAP- and NPY-like immunoreactivities in locus coeruleus and noradrenergic nerve terminals in the hippocampal formation and cortex with notes on the galanin-R1 and -R2 receptors. . J Comp Neurol . 1998,392:227-251.SCI

22. Shi TJ, Holmberg K, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Steinbusch H, de Vente J, Hokfelt T.Effect of peripheral nerve injury on cGMP and nitric oxide synthase levels in rat dorsal root ganglia: time course and coexistence.. Pain. 1998,78:171-180.SCI

23. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang X, Pieribone VA, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.Galanin-5-hydroxytryptamine interactions: electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and in situ hypidization studies on rat dorsal raphe neurons with a note on galanin R1 and R2 receptors.. Neuroscience m.52667788.cn. 1998,87:79-94.SCI

24. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Lew JY, Harada K, Aman K, Goldstein M, Deutch A, Haycock JW, Hokfelt T.Immunohistochemical studies on phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase in central catecholamine neurons using site- and phosphorylation state-specific antibodies.. Neuroscience . 1998,82:727-738.SCI

25. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Bartfai T, Langel U, Hokfelt T.Effects of three galanin analogs on the outward current evoked by galanin in locus coeruleus.. Ann N Y Acad Sci . 1998,863:459-465.SCI

26. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, de Vente J, Steinbusch H, Grillner S, Hokfelt T .The NO-cGMP pathway in the rat locus coeruleus: electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and in situ hypidization studies.. Eur J Neurosci. 1998,10:3508-3516.SCI

27. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)* and Hokfelt T.Expression of galanin and nitric oxide synthase in subpopulations of serotonin neurons of the rat dorsal raphe nucleus.. J Chem Neuroanat . 1997,13:169-187.SCI

28. Yamada K, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Zhang X, Gustafsson L, Hulting AL, de Vente J, Steinbusch HW, Hokfelt T.Nitric oxide synthase and cGMP in the anterior pituitary gland: effect of a GnRH antagonist and nitric oxide donors.. Neuroendocrinology . 1997,65:147-156.SCI

29. Shi TJ, Zhang X, Holmberg K, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Hokfelt T. Expression and regulation of galanin-R2 receptors in rat primary sensory neurons: effect of axotomy and inflammation.. Neurosci Lett . 1997,237:57-60.SCI

30. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang X, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.Electrophysiological studies on rat dorsal root ganglion neurons after peripheral axotomy: changes in responses to neuropeptides.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997,94:13262-13266.SCI

31. Bao L, Kopp J, Zhang X, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang LF, Wong H, Walsh J, Hokfelt T. Localization of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors in cerepal blood vessels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 1997,94:12661-12666.SCI

32. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Landry M, Hokfelt T .Evidence for galanin receptors in primary sensory neurones and effect of axotomy and inflammation.. Neuroreport . 1996,8:237-242 .SCI

33. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Hokfelt T.Expression of galanin and a galanin receptor in several sensory systems and bone anlage of rat empyos.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996,93:14901-14905.SCI

34. Pieribone VA, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Zhang X, Grillner S, Bartfai T, Hokfelt T.Galanin induces a hyperpolarization of norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus neurons in the painstem slice. Neuroscience. 1995,64:861-874.

35. Zhang X, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Bao L, Dagerlind A, Hokfelt T.Complementary distribution of receptors for neurotensin and NPY in small neurons in rat lumbar DRGs and regulation of the receptors and peptides after peripheral axotomy. J Neurosci . 1995,15:2733-2747.SCI

36. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Pieribone VA, Zhang X, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.A functional role for nitric oxide in locus coeruleus: immunohistochemical and electrophysiological studies. Exp pain Res. 1994,98:75-83.



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