20. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Ma X, Soomets U, Langel U, Hokfelt T.Electrophysiological evidence for a hyperpolarizing, galanin (1-15)-selective receptor on hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999,96:14583-14587.SCI
21. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Hokfelt T.Galanin/GMAP- and NPY-like immunoreactivities in locus coeruleus and noradrenergic nerve terminals in the hippocampal formation and cortex with notes on the galanin-R1 and -R2 receptors. . J Comp Neurol . 1998,392:227-251.SCI
22. Shi TJ, Holmberg K, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Steinbusch H, de Vente J, Hokfelt T.Effect of peripheral nerve injury on cGMP and nitric oxide synthase levels in rat dorsal root ganglia: time course and coexistence.. Pain. 1998,78:171-180.SCI
23. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang X, Pieribone VA, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.Galanin-5-hydroxytryptamine interactions: electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and in situ hypidization studies on rat dorsal raphe neurons with a note on galanin R1 and R2 receptors.. Neuroscience m.52667788.cn. 1998,87:79-94.SCI
24. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Lew JY, Harada K, Aman K, Goldstein M, Deutch A, Haycock JW, Hokfelt T.Immunohistochemical studies on phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase in central catecholamine neurons using site- and phosphorylation state-specific antibodies.. Neuroscience . 1998,82:727-738.SCI
25. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, Bartfai T, Langel U, Hokfelt T.Effects of three galanin analogs on the outward current evoked by galanin in locus coeruleus.. Ann N Y Acad Sci . 1998,863:459-465.SCI
26. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)*, de Vente J, Steinbusch H, Grillner S, Hokfelt T .The NO-cGMP pathway in the rat locus coeruleus: electrophysiological, immunohistochemical and in situ hypidization studies.. Eur J Neurosci. 1998,10:3508-3516.SCI
27. Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿)* and Hokfelt T.Expression of galanin and nitric oxide synthase in subpopulations of serotonin neurons of the rat dorsal raphe nucleus.. J Chem Neuroanat . 1997,13:169-187.SCI
28. Yamada K, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Zhang X, Gustafsson L, Hulting AL, de Vente J, Steinbusch HW, Hokfelt T.Nitric oxide synthase and cGMP in the anterior pituitary gland: effect of a GnRH antagonist and nitric oxide donors.. Neuroendocrinology . 1997,65:147-156.SCI
29. Shi TJ, Zhang X, Holmberg K, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Hokfelt T. Expression and regulation of galanin-R2 receptors in rat primary sensory neurons: effect of axotomy and inflammation.. Neurosci Lett . 1997,237:57-60.SCI
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31. Bao L, Kopp J, Zhang X, Xu Z-Q D(徐志卿), Zhang LF, Wong H, Walsh J, Hokfelt T. Localization of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors in cerepal blood vessels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 1997,94:12661-12666.SCI
32. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Landry M, Hokfelt T .Evidence for galanin receptors in primary sensory neurones and effect of axotomy and inflammation.. Neuroreport . 1996,8:237-242 .SCI
33. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Shi TJ, Hokfelt T.Expression of galanin and a galanin receptor in several sensory systems and bone anlage of rat empyos.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996,93:14901-14905.SCI
34. Pieribone VA, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Zhang X, Grillner S, Bartfai T, Hokfelt T.Galanin induces a hyperpolarization of norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus neurons in the painstem slice. Neuroscience. 1995,64:861-874.
35. Zhang X, Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Bao L, Dagerlind A, Hokfelt T.Complementary distribution of receptors for neurotensin and NPY in small neurons in rat lumbar DRGs and regulation of the receptors and peptides after peripheral axotomy. J Neurosci . 1995,15:2733-2747.SCI
36. Xu Z-Q(徐志卿), Pieribone VA, Zhang X, Grillner S, Hokfelt T.A functional role for nitric oxide in locus coeruleus: immunohistochemical and electrophysiological studies. Exp pain Res. 1994,98:75-83.