B超 B-scan
經(jīng)陰道超聲檢查 transvaginal ultrasonography
子宮發(fā)育不良 hypoplasia of uterus
宮內(nèi)節(jié)育器 intrauterine device,IUD
月經(jīng)期子宮內(nèi)膜 menstrual phase of endometrium
子宮內(nèi)膜 endometrium
卵泡 follicle
孕囊 fertilized egg
囊腫 cyst;hydatidoma;hydatoncus
子宮肌瘤超聲所見 ultrasound view of uterine myoma
子宮腺肌癥超聲所見 ultrasonic feature of uterine adenomyoma
子宮輸卵管造影術(shù) hysterosalpingography
單角子宮 unicornuate uterus
雙角子宮 uterus bicornis
殘角子宮 rudimentary horn of uterus
輸卵管積水 hydrosalpinx;hydrops tubae;tubal dropsy
診斷性刮宮 diagnostic curettage;exploratory curettage
宮頸錐切術(shù) conization of cervix醫(yī)學全在線www.med126.com
輸卵管通液術(shù) fluid infusion of fallopian tubes
經(jīng)陰道后穹窿穿刺術(shù) colpocoeliotomia posterior
宮腔鏡 hysteroscope
陰道鏡 colposcope ; vaginoscope
腹腔鏡 peritoneoscope;ventroscope;laparo;laparoscope;laproscope
補腎滋陰 replenishing vital essence to tonify the kidney
疏肝養(yǎng)肝 soothing and nourishing the liver
健脾和胃 strengthening the spleen and stomach
補益氣血 invigorating qi and enriching the blood
活血化瘀 promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis
理氣行滯 regulating the flow of qi
清熱涼血 removing pathogenic heat from blood
溫經(jīng)散寒 expelling pathogentic cold from channel
利濕除痰 removing dampness by diuresis and eliminating phlegm
解毒殺蟲 detoxicating and destroy intestinal worms
四黃水蜜外敷 application with
毛冬青保留灌腸 retention-enema with hairy holly root
莪棱保留灌腸 retention-enema with zedoary and burreed tuber
激光治療 laser therapy