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中草藥 Chinese medicinal herbs


炮制 processing

四氣五味 four properties and five tastes


清除雜質(zhì) eliminating impurity

入藥部分 the part used for medical purpose


作用和緩 mild effect

藥物采集 collection of herbs


發(fā)散解表 relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion

收斂 astringency


方劑學(xué) science of prescriptions

軟堅散結(jié) softening hardness to dissipate stagnation


配伍關(guān)系 compatibility

燥濕健脾 drying dampness and strengthening the spleen


組成規(guī)律 prescription-formulating principle

升降沉浮 ascending, descending, sinking and floating


方劑的加減 modification of prescriptions

歸經(jīng) meridian tropism


劑型和劑量 drug form and dosage

用藥禁忌 contraindication in using herbs


君臣佐使 monarch, minister, assistant and guide

藥物用量 dosage


藥物毒性 toxicity of medicinal herbs

辛溫解表藥 relieving exterior syndrome with herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature


十八反與十九畏 eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism

袪風(fēng)濕藥 herbs for expelling wind and dampness


調(diào)和諸藥 moderating the property of herbs

胸痛徹背 thoracic pain involving the back


溫經(jīng)散寒 warming meridians to dissipate cold

清熱涼血藥 herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood


宣肺平喘 disperse lung qi to stop asthma

引經(jīng)報使 guiding action


靈活化裁 flexible modification

針灸療法 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox


清散郁熱 clearing away and dispersing stagnant heat

針刺補(bǔ)瀉 reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling


隨癥加減 modification according to symptoms

針刺手法 needling techniques, manipulation


藥物飲片 processed herbs

進(jìn)針手法 methods for inserting the needle


內(nèi)服散劑 powder for oral taking

針刺止痛 alleviating pain with acupuncture


外用膏劑 medicinal extract for exterior application

針刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia, acu-anesthesia


開水沖服 mixing in boiled water for oral taking

針感 needling sensation


濃縮浸膏 condensed extract

皮內(nèi)針 intradermal needle


耳針療法 ear acupuncture treatment

針刺的角度與深度 angle and depth of needling


提插捻轉(zhuǎn) lifting, thrusting, swirling and rotating

雙手進(jìn)針法 insertion of needle with double hands


水針療法 hydro-acupuncture therapy

行針 manipulating the needle


頭針療法 scalp-acupuncture therapy

化膿灸 blistering moxibustion


推拿手法 manipulations for tuina, manipulating techniques

瘢痕灸 scarring moxibustion


減輕疼痛 alleviating pain

艾炷灸 moxibustion with moxa cone


功法訓(xùn)練 exercise for practicing tuina

燈火灸 lamp moxibustion


放松肌肉 relaxing muscles

溫針灸 warm needling method


解除肌肉緊張 relieving muscular tension

一指禪推法 pushing manipulation with one finger


活動受限 confined activity

點(diǎn)按法 point-pressing manipulation


關(guān)節(jié)脫位 dislocation of joint

大魚際揉法 kneading manipulation with the large thenar醫(yī).學(xué)全.在.線網(wǎng)站m.52667788.cn


腰椎間盤突出 protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc

交替搓揉 alternative rubbing and kneading


旋轉(zhuǎn)復(fù)位 rotating reduction

腰肌勞損 injury of lumbar muscles


軟組織損傷 injury of soft tissues

解除痙攣 relieving spasm


關(guān)節(jié)粘連僵硬 adhesion and stiffness of joint

外感發(fā)熱 exogenous fever


滑利關(guān)節(jié) lubricating joint

脈象浮緊 floating and tense pulse


手法補(bǔ)瀉 reinforcing and reducing manipulations

寒邪束表 pathogenic cold hampering the exterior


拇指平推法 horizontal pushing with the thumb

邪熱入里 interior invasion of pathogenic heat


午后潮熱 afternoon tidal fever

四肢厥冷 cold limbs


熱擾神明 heat disturbing mind

陽氣不振 inactivation of yang-qi


形體消瘦 emaciation

少氣懶言 lack of qi and no desire to speak


祛痰止咳藥 herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough

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