超聲內(nèi)鏡, ultrasonic endoscope
成形便, formed stool
沖洗法細(xì)胞學(xué)檢查[術(shù)], lavage cytologic examination
蟲蝕樣邊緣, eroded edge
出血性胃炎, hemorrhagic gastritis
出血性胰腺炎, hemorrhagic pancreatitis
穿孔, perforation
穿孔性闌尾炎, perforating appendicitis
穿透, penetration
穿透性潰瘍, penetrating ulcer
大便失禁, fecal incontinence
大腸梗阻, large bowel obstruction, colonic obstruction
大網(wǎng)膜及腸系膜囊腫, omental cyst and mesenteric cyst
單純性集群性憩室病, simple massed diverticulosis
單極電凝[術(shù)], monopolar electrocoagulation
膽[結(jié)]石, gallstone
膽道閉鎖, biliary atresia
膽道測壓[術(shù)], manometry of biliary tract
膽道出血, hemobilia
膽道感染, infection of biliary tract
膽道梗阻, obstruction of biliary tract
膽道蛔蟲病, biliary ascariasis
膽道賈第蟲病, giardiasis of biliary tract
膽道減壓術(shù), decompression of biliary tract
膽道閃爍顯像[術(shù)], cholescintigraphy
膽道運(yùn)動(dòng)障礙, biliary dyskinesia
膽固醇結(jié)石, cholesterol calculus
膽管癌, carcinoma of bile duct
膽管測壓造影[術(shù)], manometric cholangiography
膽管肝炎, cholangiohepatitis
膽管空腸吻合術(shù), cholangiojejunostomy
膽管擴(kuò)張, cholangiectasis
膽管內(nèi)置管擴(kuò)張[術(shù)], biliary stent dilatation
膽管腺瘤, cholangioadenoma
膽管炎, cholangitis
膽管造影[術(shù)], cholangiography
膽管周圍炎, pericholangitis
膽紅素腦病, bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus
膽紅素尿, bilirubinuria
膽絞痛, biliary colic
膽瘺, biliary fistula
膽囊癌, carcinoma of gallbladder
膽囊腸瘺, cholecystoenteric fistula
膽囊超聲顯像[術(shù)], cholecystosonography
膽囊穿孔, perforation of gallbladder
膽囊鈣化, calcification of gallbladder
膽囊積膿, empyema of gallbladder
膽囊積氣, pneu-gallbladder
膽囊積水, hydrops of gallbladder
膽囊積血, hemocholecyst
膽囊鏡檢查[術(shù)], cholecystoscopy
膽囊空腸吻合術(shù), cholecystojejunostomy
膽囊扭轉(zhuǎn), torsion of gallbladder
膽囊切除術(shù), cholecystectomy
膽囊切除術(shù)后綜合征, postcholecystectomy syndrome
膽囊十二指腸吻合術(shù), cholecystoduodenostomy
膽囊收縮素, cholecystokinin
膽囊炎, cholecystitis
膽囊造口術(shù), cholecystostomy
膽囊造影術(shù), cholecystography
膽囊周圍膿腫, pericholecystic abscess
膽石性腸梗阻, gallstone ileus
膽石癥, cholelithiasis
膽小管炎, cholangiolitis
膽血癥, cholemia
膽胰管匯合異常, choledochopancreatic junction anomaly
膽汁反流性胃炎, bile reflux gastritis
膽汁尿, choleuria, choluria
膽汁濃縮綜合征, inspissated bile syndrome
膽汁性腹膜炎, biliary peritonitis, choleperitoneum
膽汁性肝硬化, biliary cirrhosis
膽汁胸, cholothorax
膽汁引流, biliary drainage
膽汁淤積, cholestasis
膽汁粘稠綜合征, biliary hyperviscosity syndrome
膽總管端端吻合術(shù), choledochocholedochostomy
膽總管梗阻, obstruction of common bile duct
膽總管結(jié)石, calculus of common bile duct, choledocholith
膽總管結(jié)石病, choledocholithiasis
膽總管空腸Roux-en-Y形吻合術(shù), choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y
膽總管擴(kuò)張, choledochectasia
膽總管囊腫, choledochal cyst
膽總管囊腫切除術(shù), choledochocystectomy
膽總管切開術(shù), choledochotomy
膽總管十二指腸吻合術(shù), choledochoduodenostomy
膽總管狹窄, stricture of common bile duct
膽總管炎, choledochitis
膽總管造口術(shù), choledochostomy
彈性假黃色瘤, pseudoxanthoma elasticum
蛋白丟失性腸病, protein-losing enteropathy
Devine結(jié)腸造口術(shù), Devine colostomy
電子內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], electronic endoscopy, videoendoscopy
淀粉酶-肌酸酐清除率之比, amylase-creatinine clearance ratio
淀粉酶清除率, clearance of amylase
丁型病毒性肝炎, viral hepatitis type D,delta hepatitis
動(dòng)脈膽道瘺, arteriobiliary fistula
痘瘡樣胃炎, gastritis varioliformis
Dubin-Johnson綜合征, Dubin-Johnson syndrome
端側(cè)吻合[術(shù)], end-to-side anastomosis
端端吻合[術(shù)], end-to-end anastomosis
端式結(jié)腸造口術(shù), terminal colostomy
短腸, short gut
短腸綜合征, short-bowel syndrone
多發(fā)性靜脈擴(kuò)張, multiple phlebectasia,
多極電凝[術(shù)], multipolar electrocoagulation
多囊肝, polycystic liver
二期小腸移植, two-stage intestine transplantation
翻出型肛門外吻合巨結(jié)腸根治術(shù), Swenson procedure
翻轉(zhuǎn)法內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], reverse method of endoscopy
反流性食管炎, reflux esophagitis
反跳痛, rebound tenderness
反胃, regurgitation
放大腹腔鏡檢查[術(shù)], magnifying laparoscopy
放大內(nèi)鏡檢查[術(shù)], magnifying endoscopy
放射性結(jié)腸炎, radiation colitis
放射性小腸炎, radiation enteritis
非閉塞性腸梗死, nonocclusive intestinal infarction
肥厚性胃炎, hypertrophic gastritis
肥厚性幽門狹窄, hypertrophic pylorostenosis
肥皂性結(jié)腸炎, soap colitis
糞便嵌塞, fecal impaction
糞瘺, fecal fistula
蜂窩織炎性闌尾炎, phlegmonous appendicitis
蜂窩織炎性胃炎, phlegmonous gastritis
縫線肉芽腫, suture granuloma
弗納-莫里森綜合征, Verner-Morrison syndrome
輔助性肝移植, auxiliary liver transplantation
腐蝕性食管狹窄, caustic stricture of esophagus
腐蝕性胃炎, corrosivegastritis
復(fù)發(fā)性膽總管結(jié)石病, recurrent choledocholithiasis
復(fù)發(fā)性潰瘍, recurrent ulcer
復(fù)發(fā)性闌尾炎, recurrent appendicitis
復(fù)合性胃和十二指腸潰瘍, combined gastric and duodenal ulcers
腹部結(jié)核, abdominal tuberculosis